
It is the mission of Senior NeuroPsych Associates to provide high quality, scientifically proven, psychological and neuropsychological services to the adult and elderly populations.

The greatest difference between us and other service providers is our flexibility. We are one of the only providers in the North Texas area that go to our clients for evaluation or treatment. This is a great time saver for family members or nursing home administrators because there no need to deal with all the inconveniences of having an office appointment. The patient can stay safe and comfortable in their normal environment and no one (staff or family member) has to take the time to transport the client for an appointment, wait for them, and then take them back again. For Nursing Homes this flexibility is a benefit because the facility does not have to schedule a staff member to transport or wait with the patient and they also eliminate any potential liability.

We provide our services primarily in Parker, Tarrant, Denton, and Dallas counties in North Texas, but we are available to provide contracted services to any part of the country.